Our MISSION is to provide students and faculty with the best learning tools, while they master the vast amount of foundation science needed to become outstanding healthcare providers. We also know that true mastery of this material and the global shortage of healthcare professionals requires a paradigm shift in how medicine is taught.
In order to take on this challenge, Lecturio created a high-quality digital medical education resource, which is affordable, adaptive, and personalized. The platform is designed with the needs of learners and faculty in mind, combined with the latest state-of-the-art learning technology and comprehensive monitoring and assessment features.
Lecturio’s TEAM is made up of people with very diverse backgrounds and more than 250 physicians, including educators from prestigious medical schools such as Harvard University, Johns Hopkins, and University College London, to ensure top didactic quality of all content.
More than half a million learners and educators from more than 175 countries are using Lecturio. Join us on this journey!