Tezuka Osamu Manga stories are widely read today, in Japan, Asia, the Americas, and Europe. The Manga digital library consolidates Tezuka’s notable anime work, namely Astro Boy, Buddha, Black Jack, Apollo’s Song and Dororo. All these are now available in Japanese, English and Chinese through our Manga digital library as subscription-based.
Manga is the Japanese word for comics, with a unique story line and style. In Japan, people of all ages read manga. Manga includes a broad range of subjects, for example, action-adventure, romance, sport and games, historical drama, comedy, science fiction and fantasy, mystery, horror, sexuality, and business and commerce, among others. Manga continues to become a major part of the Japanese publishing industry, representing $3.6 billion in 2007 and $5.5 billion in 2009. Manga have also become increasingly popular worldwide. Manga is widely known for its style of artwork and is primarily classified by the age and gender of the target audience. Due to cross-readership, consumer response is not limited by demographics. For example, male readers subscribing to a series intended for girls and so on.