In an age of disinformation, access to trusted facts and analysis has never been more important. The Wall Street Journal has been a trusted name since 1889 for unparalleled analysis and unique reporting, informing decisions that drive the world forward. From M&A scoops to unrivaled political coverage and real-time markets analysis, WSJ helps its readers to unravel a complex world.
We partner with over 300 top universities including Harvard University, Stanford University, Singapore Management University, Bocconi University and Imperial College London. Our university programs give students and faculty members unparalleled access to WSJ’s complete suite of digital products.
A partnership also includes access to classroom tools, which help professors to seamlessly integrate WSJ into their course. We have worked with SMU on two exclusive events for their students, in which WSJ’s editorial team took part in panel discussions hosted by SMU. The most recent discussion was about the future of Asia in the aftermath of the U.S. presidential election, and panelists included WSJ’s Asia editor, China deputy bureau chief and Southeast Asia bureau chief.