As one of the most well-known and authoritative STM publishers, the American Chemical Society has launched a series of open resources and initiatives since the beginning of February to support global scientific research and teaching. These resources are continually updated and released.
A Free to Read Collection: Chemistry in coronavirus research
The virtual issue features a collection of free-to-read articles related to the COVID-19 coronavirus published in the ACS journals that is updated regularly with the latest research.
ES&T and ES&T Letters jointly launched a Free-to-read virtual issue “Overview of Research on the Fate and Behavior of Enveloped Viruses in the Environment” to showcase the current research progress on the persistence and environmental behavior of enveloped viruses in the environment.
C&EN (Chemical & Engineering News) magazine has made free its coverage of the race to understand and respond to COVID-19. This news collection includes the world’s research on new coronaviruses, industry, and economic news written by professional journalists, updated in real-time.
A collection of free to read online chemistry teaching resources from the Journal of Chemical Education and the ACS Division of Chemical Education. This regularly updated collection includes journal articles, video resources, distance learning modules, etc.
A collection of the latest research on novel coronaviruses on the ChemRxiv preprint platform. ChemRxiv was co-sponsored by the American Chemical Society, the Royal British Chemical Society, the German Chemical Society, the Chinese Chemical Society, and the Japanese Chemical Society.
A special report published by researchers at the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) in ACS Central Science journal. The report reviews published scientific information on potential therapeutic drugs and vaccines for COVID-19 and highlighted scientist-cited patent literature in the CAS database.
See here for more information: